Wednesday, November 22, 2006

pigs on the wing

i'm not somebody you like from the first encounter. most definitely, i'm not somebody you "read" from the first encounter. let's keep it like this. it's a reliable selection method.

Monday, November 20, 2006

un motiv poate fi si singur

mi-am pus webstats pe blog. acum ceva vreme. se poate numi oricum numai discopatie nu, dar in fond nici nu conteaza. e sursa de humor. multe din accesarile de pe blogul asta, fiind, mai putin ca la inceput, dar, totusi, un blog tainuit, se fac in urma unor cautari pe google. categoriile sunt diverse, de fapt nici nu exista: "dorm prea mult", "ma simt norocoasa", "caut muzica anilor 30", "in carouri" - si imi spun prea mult si prea putin despre oameni pe care nu ii cunosc si nici nu vreau sa ii cunosc. pe principiul lordului henry, stiu prea multe despre noile cunostinte si aproape nimic despre vechii prieteni. citat inexact din portretul lui dorian gray, dar esenta conteaza. (am o viziune: un val de pusti de liceu in cautarea rezumatului cartii care nimeresc pe blog, rataciti si dezamagiti. folosesc aceasta ocazie pentru a-i redirectiona spre carte - exista niste cladiri mari numite biblioteci de unde puteti IMPRUMUTA cartea, pentru o lectura extinsa si nemijlocita, deci o mai buna comprehensie a textului :> )

lucrurile acestea imi gadila placut imaginatia si ma gandesc oare ce vroiau de fapt oamenii aia sa gaseasca. ce e in mintea unui om cand da search pe google "prajitura preferata"? ce spera sa gaseasca? retete ale prajiturii sale preferate pe care cineva a ghicit-o anterior? face statistici?

sau o persoana care scrie "m-am trezit plangand de dor"? incearca sa gaseasca oameni cu care sa rezoneze prin prisma dorului imens care o face sa se trezeasca plangand???

nu pot sa NU ma amuz. a inceput numaratoarea inversa. :)

Friday, November 17, 2006

the day the earth didnt move too much

luckily, being me has it's silver linings. after days and nights of scavaging through rotten carcasses and the stupidity of the unfortunate events i've been through lately, i've found myself today in a situation i've been thinking about but never did really try to provoke. it was bottom rocking! :D i was at this rather boring teacher - guests (rundabout) gathering, on strictly official business - representing the Universitary Newspaper I have run for the past year and dont anymore. We had some foreign journalists (from E.U.) countries invited and it seemed to me that the organizers didnt care too much about their guests' interests and reasons for being there cause they put up this horrible impression of the 14th Congress. :)

but anyway, at one point, this german journalist lady from 'Die Welt' comes to me and asks me if i speak english and if i dont mind to go outside and talk. mystery solved: they were here to talk to the students, but the students were home and sent the teachers instead :rolleyes:. anyways, then 2 more guys joined us and we had our lovely little impromptu in the garden of the rector's office. because i hate going into the meaningful details, i'll just say that it was a great day for science. i've got feedback on my diploma paper subject, we've had a totally cool exchange of information and ideas and i finally got the chance to talk to people who do the job i'm preparing for. unfortunately, my very dear extraordinary presence wasnt enough to wash off the bad impression they got on ...umm... well, teachers and all that buttload. :D but anyway, life is sweet.

oh, wait, and hershey's is sweet. thus, life is hershey's. ;)