cand sunt obosita, doar cand sunt obosita. obosita si in drum spre casa. de fiecare data cand sunt obosita si in drum spre casa am aceeasi fantezie naroada. fantezia consta in "ce fain ar fi sa ma mut aici " (asta inseamna o casa in proximitatea vizuala a locului in care ma aflu, obosita, si in drumul spre casa), iar nerozia consta in faptul ca daca ar fi sa ma mut in casa din apropiere, ar trebui sa merg pana la mine acasa (sunt prea obosita sa fac asta) si de acolo sa car TOT (si e mult...) in noua casa, mai aproape. pentru ca totul e relativ, si stiu asta, casa de aproape devine casa de departe, chiar si atunci cand sunt obosita si pe drum, pentru ca mintea rationeaza, si desi irationeaza gandind ca ar fi grozav sa ma mut in casa de aproape, constientizeaza si transforma automat conceptul de casa de aproape in casa de departe.
asa ca imi place sa merg acasa obosita, imi pare mai aproape. :)
Saturday, September 23, 2006
i wish i'd care
i was home. watching tv. one of those rare moments. crap tv. and i don't mean a romanian fishing channel. it held me there captive. watching. like i really cared. then this singer comes "to the rescue", surprising some regular country folks by appearing all of a sudden in their humble abode (this is a word that has been haunting me since forever, btw) and giving them some presents, singing them a song, hugging the old lady of the house who was as impressed as a ... very impressed person. and you know what i did? i started sobbing. me! of course, you should have been there, in fron of my tv. there was so much ... silly stupid mooshiness in the air. you would have shed a tear, at least. or maybe i've had too much water today that my eyes decided to "give a hand". anyways, i felt ridiculous shortly after i was thinking in my narrow little head (this is just a figure of speech, i had to make sure you know) - and strongly believing, also - that ANYONE would have been impressed by this. now i only see the ridiculousness.
this is what happens when you stop thinking, actually. that's why i dont have a tv. long live ink coverd great smelling good old fashioned newspapers. until this comes along. the future is not bright, it's plastic.
p.s. singhiozzare. i like this word.
this is what happens when you stop thinking, actually. that's why i dont have a tv. long live ink coverd great smelling good old fashioned newspapers. until this comes along. the future is not bright, it's plastic.
p.s. singhiozzare. i like this word.
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home is where you bake your brownies,
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time is gay
Sunday, September 17, 2006
sevastopol, pe ploaie
i had a dream.
and then another one and another one and another one.
intai am visat ca mancam portocale pe un deal. am stiut ca sunt portocale pentru ca erau portocalii. mi-ar placea sa visez alb-negru, dar atunci nu as mai recunoaste portocalele. apoi, pe parcursul celorlalte vise, si altii mancau portocale.
din cauza unui film aiurea vizionat inaintea somnului, am visat aiurea. e firesc.
apoi, intre portocale si frica, am visat ca eram la un concert la care nu vroiam sa fiu, si m-am intalnit cu niste prieteni. in grupul lor era si o tipa pe care nu o cunosteam, cu hainele complet ude. a venit la mine sa facem cunostinta, si, la un moment dat, s-a oprit si s-a aplecat sa-si stearga fata de soseta. SA-SI STEARGA FATA DE SOSETA!!!!
cati oameni mai stiu sa faca asta? ;)
and then another one and another one and another one.
intai am visat ca mancam portocale pe un deal. am stiut ca sunt portocale pentru ca erau portocalii. mi-ar placea sa visez alb-negru, dar atunci nu as mai recunoaste portocalele. apoi, pe parcursul celorlalte vise, si altii mancau portocale.
din cauza unui film aiurea vizionat inaintea somnului, am visat aiurea. e firesc.
apoi, intre portocale si frica, am visat ca eram la un concert la care nu vroiam sa fiu, si m-am intalnit cu niste prieteni. in grupul lor era si o tipa pe care nu o cunosteam, cu hainele complet ude. a venit la mine sa facem cunostinta, si, la un moment dat, s-a oprit si s-a aplecat sa-si stearga fata de soseta. SA-SI STEARGA FATA DE SOSETA!!!!
cati oameni mai stiu sa faca asta? ;)
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
It's the butt naked truth!
de ce nu vine lumea la sedinte? m-am intrebat, i-am intrebat si pe ei, i-am intrebat si pe altii. apoi am incetat, de sila redundantei.
le-am zis.
le-am zis.
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careful - we don't want to learn from this
Thursday, September 14, 2006
me and my monkey
Your Scholastic Strength Is Developing Ideas |
You can take a spark of inspiration and turn it into a full fledged concept. You are talented at brainstorming, visualizing, organizing, and independent thinking. You should major in: Natural sciences Computer science Creative writing Math Architecture Journalism |
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i am sam,
parlez-vous english?,
time is gay
biscuiti cu crema
chiar urasc toata sarada asta cu "damsel in distress". baietii se lauda ca-s isteti, si chiar sunt, dar de cele mai multe ori fetele care sunt cel putin la fel de istete ca ei ii fac sa arate prost.
truistic, dar nu ma las de cantat, pentru ca ma enerveaza cauza, pe care nu o cunosc, pe care doar o banuiesc, pentru care o tipa face pe neajutorata - atentia, nevoia de a fi ocrotita, singura portita de intrare direct in "corasonul" cui il are.
si apoi se plang ca nu avem drepturi egale, ca nu li se da mana cand coboara din autobuz.
viva la relativity!
truistic, dar nu ma las de cantat, pentru ca ma enerveaza cauza, pe care nu o cunosc, pe care doar o banuiesc, pentru care o tipa face pe neajutorata - atentia, nevoia de a fi ocrotita, singura portita de intrare direct in "corasonul" cui il are.
si apoi se plang ca nu avem drepturi egale, ca nu li se da mana cand coboara din autobuz.
viva la relativity!
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careful - we don't want to learn from this
Monday, September 11, 2006
call me super mom!
i now have a wacky pencil and a pigmunster allergic to blueberry to take care of.
but how could i resist?? :D
They play. Gatsby Doe loooooooves blueberries and apples, dirt and dirt, and Bubbles is an artist.
but how could i resist?? :D
They play. Gatsby Doe loooooooves blueberries and apples, dirt and dirt, and Bubbles is an artist.
adopt your own virtual pet! |
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the essence of nevermind,
time is gay
me, the big (unsmoking) copycat...
What type of emoticon are you? Compassionate The nice one who's there to give a helping hand. |
Click Here to Take This Quiz Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. |
this is just a teaser of some weird sort. i'm NOT compassionate.
and to think my "better half" is cool. I always thought I'd be the cool one. :/
Tag you're it:
time is gay
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Why I won't quit smoking. Yet.
I just quit smoking. It's been 3 whole days. I feel good, I feel fine. I decided this week of not smoking will be the manifesto, will be the pie in the faces of those who believe I am weak and cannot quit. I am NOT weak. I mean, it's very subjective. I am weak but I am weak only because I want to be weak. I like smoking. It gives a je ne sais quoi to all the little meaningless activities. I just like it. I do. For now.
I'll quit in 2-3 years. It will be so easy to quit. I'll be 25 and less obsessive than I am know. I'll be a much nicer person.
I would truly care to know what this had to do with anything. :/
I'll quit in 2-3 years. It will be so easy to quit. I'll be 25 and less obsessive than I am know. I'll be a much nicer person.
I would truly care to know what this had to do with anything. :/
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i am sam,
parlez-vous english?
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