Sunday, August 30, 2009


i've got mail! true story. what would you think if you got an email from a guy called Young Colon? Oh, and the email starts like this: "Your career progress begins now!" I think he's full of shit.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

chaos making sense

someone, sometime ago, said this wonderful thing about india and everyone else started saying it and ever since people have lost track of who actually came up with it. but that's not even so important, what's important is the high degree to which this saying - "India is chaos making sense" - is so very true and applicable to so many things.

for example, i've realized one thing, in my short trip from the airport around the city: the most important thing for a vehicle in delhi is its honk. it doesnt matter much if it's a scooter, bike, car or auto-rickshaw, what matters is that it can honk, because honking is the way you drive in delhi. lanes or traffic rules might not apply. and by saying "might" i mean they dont. but it works. it works.

ok, speaking of amazed, couldnt believe the heatwave that struck me right in the face as soon as i exited the airport. mostly because it was 6.30 am. it wasnt hard to accept though, the fact that i wont stop sweating all throughout the day. thats because its usually easier to accept things that are out of your control.

so i was looking forward to the shower. and this is the good thing about india. you always have something to look forward to. for example, after i took the shower, i was really looking forward to my next one.

i thought you couldnt sleep much on planes and such, i never do, reason for which i was even so tired when i got at the home-stay, but then, in my helicopter room, i slept like 10 babies. maybe the shower also helped. the only distraction in my helicopter room was the "propeller" on the ceiling which took the blanket off of me a few times. when the AC is on though, my helicopter room turns into an industrial plant, soundwise only. you really feel its a "happening" environment. a magical world.

truth be told, helicopter rooms are a blessing. you can't be too outdoorsy when you're in india. not because you're not an outdoorsy person or they don't have great outdoors, they do. there are pretty gardens, squirrels on the few sidewalks and parrots flying freely from palm tree to palm tree. but there's also this strange air, a bit suffocating, even when you're in the shade, like an elephant who's sitting on your chest. fine, a baby elephant.

and lucky me, i got to go to a party as well on my first day. this party was special, not that i haven't been to a party with 19 year olds before, just that it's been a while. after this experience i can honestly say that some 19 year olds can open beer bottles with their teeth.

they don't call it incredible india for nothing!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

intellectual socialism

in an effort to seem more vulnerable, thus be more agreeable, the little girl said: i know too many things and i'm not afraid to use them against me.

(it's applicable to having too many options, as well)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

ass in the gnome hat (<3) and the time monster

if you've ever felt wiser than your usual self when listening to friends' stories, you know the feeling i'm talking about. i'm not saying wise as in smart-ass or superior, noway! it's this weird feeling you get from a certain detachment or objectivity, if you please, when your friends share stories. you identify with them, maybe, they could be yours, maybe, they even were, maybe. but listening to them makes you become more objective and therefore see logic in arguments that never worked for yourself.

that's why i think it's ridiculous to say you're waiting for time to heal or solve things. time doesn't do anything (certain restrictions may apply). falling in love again does the trick. actually, i prefer the term "falling in love anew". even if it's indicative of a feeling, it gives it a fresh tone, rather than a repetitive one. falling in love or, according to own beliefs, whatever you wanna call it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

nailing it down

there's a bunch of things that remind me of my childhood. most of them still fit in my house. some were moved to the garage. but there's one thing which puzzles me to this very day in terms of how come my grandma bought it for me. it's garbage pail kids. its creepy cleverness. its funny bizzarre.

and i loved loved loved garbage pail kids. dont know if i got it entirely but i used to stick stuff everywhere and my grandma carefully removed almost all, except this one sticker with handy andy.
of course, it looks withered, colors have faded under several rounds of obsessive detergent scrubbing. before i get too nostalgic and forget, here's a bunch of them. randomly picked, but with some reasoning. no seasoning.

i hat to say it

i dream and long and dream and long for a hat. when i just dream, the hat's a boater. when i just long, the hat's a flat hat. in all other times, even when dreaming and longing come together, the hat is a mix between a boater, a flat hat and a pork pie hat.

Friday, August 07, 2009

dragostea dureaza 5 ani

nu stiu cum isi iubesc altii ceasurile, dar eu mi-l iubeam pe-al meu bine de tot. si dupa 5 ani de iubire, a disparut in mare. dragostea dureaza 5 ani. prin aproximatie, ca au fost cam 4 jumate.

si iepurii din ceas or sa se transforme in iepuri de mare. ceea ce e un lucru pozitiv, avand in vedere ca ultima oara cand m-am interesat erau pe cale de disparitie, iar iepurii din ceasul meu erau destul de predispusi la inmultire. ;)

poza e din arhiva lui moody rudchil, de cand a facut cercetari subacvatice despre iepurii de mare.


it's good to have it, it's bad having to have it.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

no title, no function

Caterpillar: Who are YOU?
Alice: This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. I -- I hardly know, sir, just at present -- at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.

I should stop smiling, but some things never do change.