Friday, October 26, 2007

ochii-mi pleaca de pe fata

asa e numit evenimentul cultural al anului, respectiv respectabilul si reputabilul festival de film astra, sibiu 2007. oameni colorati, curiosi, artisti si fanii lor, snobii. nu ca ar fi ceva rau in asta. e un peisaj incantator pentru cei greu de plictisit.

filme care ma frustreaza pentru ca nu le vad si stiu ca nu le voi vedea niciodata, filme care ma frustreaza pentru ca le vad si stiu ca pe restul nu le voi vedea niciodata. se cheama comoditate.
expozitie foto aproape transhumantica, dar emotionanta.

la plecare imi sare-n ochi dragos bucurenci si-mi amintesc de practica la dilema si misiunea ucigatoare dar demna de a participa la protestul impotriva miseliilor de la Muzeul Taranului - dincolo de faptul ca nu existau protestatari de-adevaratelea, cei cativa jurnalisti (care fireste erau impotriva, deci pentru) s-au hotarat sa mearga sa discute problema intr-un mediu mai prolific, la o bere, pentru a pune la cale un plan. de-aia bucurenci e environmentally friendly, ca e impotriva, deci cu. si eu sunt pentru, deci impotriva.

aproape off topic, nu cred ca exista meserie mai ingrata decat cea de reporter. bine ca am terminat jurnalistica, stiu de ce sa ma feresc. ceea ce va dorim si dumneavoastra.

i'm a bitter bitter girl - cant get to the grapes because i deliberately killed my personal life, so they must be sour.
live green, you all, for sour is the new pink.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

despre cum am ajuns om mare, ramanand mica

s-a intamplat de curand, cand am luat prima decizie doar pentru ca puteam si creadeam ca trebuie. oamenii mari fac asta: iau decizii. asa am facut si eu. exista fireste un before and after.

before: ma simteam privata de libertate, imi imaginam ca simt tot soiul de chestii aiurea si sufocante asa ca trebuia sa imi iau varsta in serios si sa iau o decizie, genul de decizie pe care oamenii mari o iau, gandindu-se serios la viata lor, la prioritati, zone de comfort si alti balauri.

after: am realizat ca varsta nu are nimic de-a face cu nimic si ca a lua decizii doar pentru ca poti, decizii care schimba totul, e distractiv pana iti dai seama ca suporti consecintele. consecinte de care nu iti pasa in faza de before.

nu e ora de maturizare, e doar minutul amar in care ma regasesc, putin trista si absolut singura.

e in regula, acum nu trebuie decat sa ma obisnuiesc cu asta.

Monday, October 22, 2007

the bee's knees

its been a month. a month can be too much or too little time. from a certain point of view it's been too much, from another too little. it's been my most intense month so far this year, both as what I'm doing in AIESEC and personally. it was a roller coaster ride - with the adrenaline the lithuanian experience gave me and the pitfalls in between sunny good for science days. how ghastly! how magnificent!

october is such a no-no month, but this year it was different - it was my month of learning, banging my head on the wall, screaming, crying, laughing, loving, enjoying, learning learning learning - how much can we go on believing we know everything there is to know about ourselves and getting contradicted by every day happenings? dont answer that, forever is a sausage word.

i'm determined to get it all out, all my dreams and all my desires, do them, live them, at the costs of looking ridiculous and getting laughed at, at the point of making terrible mistakes and going against all odds, just because there's no point in living by others' rules and also because looking stupid is sometimes fun. sometimes meaning some time after it happened. :) call me a hedonist, only if you forgot my name.

yes, indeed, when life gives you lemons squirt them in people's eyes. :D

i feel like a fish on a bicycle, that silly that i can do the undoable - whats coming next is so the cat's pajamas.

p.s. sam stands for strange and mean. just so you know.
p.p.s. i miss limunitz and i feel pretty alone without her here.